Silver Hare Vanguard


"If a hand reaches out for aid, then i shall be there to meet it."

Rallom Djt-dvre's time in the Golmore Jungle was fairly standard: a Wood-Warder by circumstances of birth, he was set to live and die in the Jungle, were it not for a chance encounter with a wounded member of the Lente's Tears resistance group crossing paths with his patrol.

The Discovery
The Exodus

While the rest of his group was keen to be on their way, Rallom's sense of duty would not allow him to leave this soldier to the dangers of Golmore. When he came to the edge of the Rava's territory, he realized that his charge would not be able to make their way even with what little medical assistance he could offer... and he so he made the decision to see this task through.

With his original purpose in life shed, Rallom joined his charge in resisting the Garlean occupation of Bozja. While already adept with the spear, his superiors saw the potential in him to be a protector. As such, he was introduced to the Gunblade. Trading up from such a simple weapon to something significantly more complicated was a trial, but one he rose to meet. With a new weapon in his arsenal, and blood angried by tales of oppression, the newly minted 'Cilva' was ready to liberate Bozja, even if these lands were not his own.

The Recruitment
The End

And so he dedicated himself to the cause! ... Though, this would be a short-lived deployment. Fully committed though he was to this war, it simply would not last much longer due to it gaining the attention of the Warrior of Light. With their legendary strength joined with the Resistance's own, it would not be long before the yoke of Garlean rule would be shattered, and their efforts to claim yet another Allagan war-machine thwarted.

Pleased though he was that the Bozjans would be able to rebuild, his love for the country could not match that of its' people. With his reason for being brought to an end a second time, Cilva left the Resistance, and sailed west at the suggestion of those he befriended during his service. In the great city of Limsa Lominsa did he find his third lot in life: that of the intrepid Adventurer. A task without end - for there will always be those in need of a solid sword arm and a stout heart.

The Parting Gift
The Beginning

At last, his life has truly begun.

Howdy! Name's Cadlington, nice to meet you. I've been RPing in some capacity for like 20 years now, and just writing that down made me turn to dust. I hope what I've put on offer here is of interest to you! In terms of writing, what I'm especially interested in is:

  • Adventure!

  • Exploration!

  • (Rejoice in) the thrill of combat!

  • Paradoxically, slice of life stuff.

Venues, clubbing, dancing around while watching a DJ on Twitch aren't really my sort of thing. As a card-carrying member of Eorzea's Adventurer's Guild, Cilva is pretty easy to slot in to places. If your latest venture needs a rabbit man, feel free to message me in-game or contact me via:

  • Twitter: ItsCadlington

  • Discord: Cadlington